


           海南橡膠下屬子公司海南農(nóng)墾寶橡林產(chǎn)集團(tuán)股份有限公司,是海南唯一集橡膠木產(chǎn)品 研發(fā)、加工、銷售、貿(mào)易、木結(jié)構(gòu)、電子商務(wù)等為一體的綜合性企業(yè),擁有 FSC—COC 產(chǎn)業(yè)監(jiān)管鏈認(rèn)證和一級木結(jié)構(gòu)工程施工資質(zhì)。公司是海南木材行業(yè)第一家“新三板”掛牌 公司,也是國家高新技術(shù)企業(yè)。

           公司擁有全智能化木材改性車間、刨光加工流水線和后端 精深加工中心,配備國內(nèi)一流的木材精加工的生產(chǎn)設(shè)備,可定制供應(yīng)家具刨光材、裝飾材、 指接拼板、改性材等木制品基材,年加工橡膠木 4 萬立方米以上。產(chǎn)品營銷網(wǎng)絡(luò)遍布華南、 華東、西南等國內(nèi)大型家具制造業(yè)集散地。

           目前橡膠木 FSC“零添加”產(chǎn)品成功進(jìn)入全球 最大家具家居用品企業(yè)供應(yīng)鏈,深受宜家等境內(nèi)外家具行業(yè)龍頭企業(yè)及消費(fèi)者的青睞。





            橡膠木產(chǎn)品銷售熱線  4001646188、 13322019366

Wood Processing

Hainan State Farms Baoxiang Forest Industrial Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hainan Rubber, is the only comprehensive enterprise in Hainan that integrates R&D, processing, sales, trade, timberwork, and e-commerce of rubber wood products, with the FSC-COC industrial chain of supervision certification and the first-level timber structure engineering construction qualification. The company is the first “New Third Board” listed company in Hainan timber industry, and a national high-tech enterprise as well. It is armed with a fully intelligent wood modification workshop, a planer processing assembly line, a back-end deep processing center, and first-class domestic wood finishing production equipment. It can customize and supply woodwork products such as furniture planer timber, decorative timber, finger-joint splicing board, and modified timber, with a processing capacity of over 40,000 cubic meters of rubber wood annually. The products are widely marketed throughout South China, East China, Southwest China and other large domestic furniture manufacturing distribution centers. At present, its rubber wood FSC “zero-addition” products have successfully penetrated the supply chain of the world’s largest furniture and household products enterprises, receiving favor from IKEA and other industry leading enterprises and consumers at home and abroad.


            contact us:  4001646188、13322019366

织金县| 普陀区| 常山县| 金寨县| 普兰县| 松潘县| 寿光市| 象山县| 西充县| 云安县| 泰安市| 朝阳市| 会昌县| 伊金霍洛旗| 罗甸县| 黔东| 罗江县| 江门市| 余姚市| 托里县| 河南省| 衡东县| 若羌县| 金阳县| 澄迈县| 肥西县| 杭州市| 新田县| 肥东县| 青冈县| 兖州市| 迁安市| 综艺| 民乐县| 石棉县| 商城县| 南皮县| 崇文区| 高平市| 泊头市| 泰宁县|