


  • 天然橡膠價(jià)格(收入) 保險(xiǎn)榮獲第一屆“海南省改革和制度創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng)”三等獎(jiǎng)?!靶鹿诜窝滓咔榉揽氐牡谝粫r(shí)間展現(xiàn)國(guó)企擔(dān)當(dāng),向武漢、咸寧6家定點(diǎn)收治醫(yī)院捐贈(zèng)1050套乳膠床墊和枕頭。

    The natural rubber price (income) insurance won the third prize of the first "Hainan Province Reform and Institutional Innovation Award". "The prevention and control of COVID-19 showed the responsibility of state-owned enterprises at the first time, and donated 1050 sets of latex mattresses and pillows to six designated hospitals in Wuhan and Xianning.

  • 2019

  • 天然橡膠價(jià)格(收入) 保險(xiǎn)、“三標(biāo)三系三受益”績(jī)效管理分別入選中國(guó)(海南)自由貿(mào)易試驗(yàn)區(qū)第一批、第五批制度創(chuàng)新案例。同年,收購(gòu)江蘇愛(ài)德福乳膠制品有限公司,培育出“好舒?!逼放疲⑹召?gòu)全球最大的貿(mào)易公司新加坡R1國(guó)際71.58%股份。旗下子公司寶橡林產(chǎn)公司,中標(biāo)北京2022年冬奧會(huì)“國(guó)家雪車雪棍中心-一遮陽(yáng)棚木梁工程川標(biāo)段”項(xiàng)目。

    Natural rubber price (income) insurance and "three standards, three systems, and three benefits" performance management were selected as the first and fifth batch of institutional innovation cases in the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone. In the same year, it acquired Jiangsu Ederfu Latex Products Co., Ltd., cultivated the "Haoshufu" brand, and acquired 71.58% of the world's largest trading company, Singapore R1 International. Its subsidiary Baoxiang Forest Products Company has won the bid for the "National Snowy Car and Snowy Stick Center - One Sunshade Wood Beam Project Sichuan Section" project of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

  • 2018

  • 8月28日


    On August 28th, Hainan Rubber Holdings subsidiary Haiken Baoxiang Forest Products successfully listed on the New Third Board (stock name: Haiken Forest Products, stock code: 873010).

  • 2017

  • 2月3日


    On February 3rd, Hainan Rubber held a press conference and the new board of directors, supervision and senior management team made a collective appearance to the outside world, proposing a sixteen character development policy of "stabilizing the internal and expanding the external, strengthening agriculture and industry, technological support, and financial security"

  • 2014

  • 海南橡膠聯(lián)手科研院校成立空軍航空橡膠科研生產(chǎn)中心和海南省先進(jìn)天然橡膠復(fù)合材料工程研究中心

    Hainan Rubber Joint Research Institute Established Air Force Aviation Rubber Research and Production Center and Hainan Advanced Natural Rubber Composite Material Engineering Research Center

  • 2011

  • 1月7日


    On January 7, Hainan Rubber was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange with the stock code of 601118, and its closing market value reached 43.2 billion yuan. In July of the same year, Hainan Rubber was included in the four major indexes of Shanghai Stock Exchange 180, Shanghai Stock Exchange 50, CSI 300 Index and China Stock Exchange 100.

  • 2008

  • 12月18日


    On December 18th, the "R&D Integration and Application of Natural Rubber Standardization Processing Technology" project was awarded the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2008 by the State Council.

  • 2005

  • 3月31日


    On March 31st, Hainan Natural Rubber Industry Group Co., Ltd. was established, marking the further modernization of the rubber industry.

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